What is NRT?
How can NRT work so rapidly and efficiently:
NRT is based on two scientifically neuro-physiological laws:
1# Reciprocal inhibition:
Neuro-physiologist Charles S Sherrington received in 1932 the medical Nobel Prize for the discovery of the nervous system's own way of regulating the muscular tonus via reciprocal inhibition.
Reciprocal Inhibition means that the antagonist of a contracted muscle is always inhibited. An inhibited muscle is a relaxed muscle. Reciprocal Inhibition happens automatically every time we move. Reciprocal inhibition has been known for more than 100 years. Charles Sherrington described this mechanism in his book from 1906 and most physiotherapists have used the method for decades.2# The law of symmetry by German physiologist Eduard Pflüger: If the stimulation is sufficiently increased enough, motor reaction is manifested, not only by the engaged or stimulated side, but also in the same muscles on the opposite side of the body.
Lawrence Woods developed NRT based on these two laws.
NRT is so rapid and effective because it utilizes the nervous system's own neurophysiological way of regulating muscular tonus. Through the direct work with the nervous system, many of the compensation patterns found in so-called chronic conditions will dissolve.
This is done by challenging the mechanoreceptors of the nervous system with a non-threatening stimuli and thus avoiding stimulating nociceptors (pain receptors). This will immediately reset the muscle tonus.
NRT does not only work on the muscles, it also works indirectly on the fascia, tendons and periosteum.